Tips for Packing to Make Unpacking Easier

Moving house is no small task. It takes a lot of time and energy to move through each stage of the process.

Here are my best tips to help you prepare and pack.

  1. At least two weeks before the move, start to declutter. It is worthwhile doing it now to ensure you have enough space for your belongings in the new home. It’s a good time to refresh, especially in the wardrobe and office. Shred unnecessary papers and give unwanted items that are in good condition to good will.

  2. Pack out of season items first and keep them out of the way.

  3. Colour code boxes for each room using coloured tabs. Have a brief inventory of the contents of the box and take a photo of the contents with the label visible.

  4. Create an essentials box for each room. They will be the last items to be packed in each room. Make sure they are loaded onto the truck last and will be the first boxes to be unpacked in each space.

  5. Order picture boxes for mirrors and art. Wrap with bubblewrap and use corner protectors. Add extra paper in the bottom of the box and around the piece to stop it from moving around.

  6. Wrap mattresses and sofas in plastic to keep them clean during the move.

  7. If you need to disassemble furniture, put all connectors into a small bag along with assembly instructions and tape them to the furniture pieces. Tape all large similar shaped pieces together to make it easy to move.

  8. Empty all drawers and ensure they are locked or taped in place. Tape keys inside a drawer that’s taped closed so they aren’t misplaced during the move.

  9. Pack dishes vertically with plenty of paper to protect.

  10. Pack everything you need to make each bed in a large heavy duty garbage bag. Pack and tape the bag tightly for easy handling.

  11. When packing boxes, don’t overload them. Put heavier items in the bottom, medium weight items in the middle and light things on top. Protect each section with soft items such as towels and blankets.

  12. When packing electronics, take photos showing where the cords go, then put them in a bag and tape it to the device so they won’t get lost.

  13. Have a list of boxes and items being moved.

  14. Pack storage items into plastic tubs for easy transfer.